--- タウニヤボブスト RHD, BS ----より引用


 私は2008年以来ずっと私自身にも患者にも治療用のエッセンシャルオイルを使ってきた。 その期間、歯科治療前又は治療中に応用したら、患者の不安の程度に劇的な結果をみた。この論文は歯科診療で、エッセンシャルオイルの使用についての概略を述べます。



 直接吸収はエッセンシャルオイルの恩恵を受ける為のもう一つのよい方法である1滴か2滴のオイルを手のひらに取り、円を描くようにこすりつける。両手で鼻をおうようにしてアロマを吸う。私は健康食品店のオイルを勧めません。何故ならそのオイルを抽出するのに、独特の化学物質を使うからでる。もし私が不安な状態の患者を診るとしたラベンダーかオレンジか又はPeace & Calmingと呼ばれているオイルを拡散させる。このオイルはタンジェリン(みかんに似た柑橘類)、イランイラン、パチュリ(東南アジア産のシソ科の常緑樹)とブルータンシーを含んでいる。

 私が分かち合うことのできる1つの経験は、ある男性患者についてです。彼は50才台で、パニックに襲われた既往症の患者である。予防治療を受けているが、5分ごとに、治療台から立ち上がる。Peace & Calming oilを手首に試してみたいと言って、本人の許可をとった上で、両方の手首に1滴ずつ試した。両手首をこすり合わせ、アロマを吸うように言った。

 患者は治療中椅子から離れなかった。次回に来た時、彼は手首を見せて、Peace & Calming oilを忘れないで下さいといった。エッセンシャルオイルを嗅ぐと大脳の辺縁系を刺激する。又癌患者が治療時不安を克服するのに使われた。オイルが患者の目に入らないよう注意しなければない。

 オーストリアのウイーン医科大学、神経クリニックの大学で、オレンジとラベンダーを使った研究が行われた。(3) 歯科治療を待っている間、吸入したエッセンシャルの効果をテストした。その研究の目的はオレンジとラベンダーのエッセンシャルオイルが患者の不安、気分、警戒心、冷静さにたいする効果を調べることだった。


統計的分析によって、コントロールと比較して、常時あるオレンジとラベンダーの香りは、歯科治療の順番を待っている患者の不安を和らげ、気分を高めることが明らかになった。 この発見は、香りはある情緒の状態を変える力があるという意見を支持する。多くの場合、香りは歯科の患者の不安を和らげる。

もう一つの研究はラベンダーのアロマテラピーは最小限度に体を傷つける美容処置の不安を和らげる潜在的能力がある。(4)2007年の日本での研究で、研究者たちはラベンダーとローズマリーオイルを5分間嗅がせたら、コルチゾル(副腎皮質ホルモンの一種)が増加したことをデモで示した。(5)フリーラジカル(遊離基)すなわち、活性酸素は、炎症、老化、癌の発生などの生物学的現象に関係がある。フリーラジカルの捕食活動は唾液で、測ることができる防御メカニズムである。彼の研究の結果はラベンダーやローズマリーがフリーラジカル捕食作用, 同時に酸化から体を守るストレスホルモンやコルチゾルに光をあてた。





Use of essential oils to reduce anxiety in the dental office
By Tawnya Bobst, RDH, BS

I have been using therapeutic grade essential oils on myself and my dental patients since 2008. I have seen dramatic results in reducing patient’s anxiety levels when applied prior to and during the dental procedures. This article will outline the use of essential oils in a clinical setting.

I diffuse essential oils in my operatory daily with the use of an ultrasonic cold water diffuser. The diffuser emits a fine mist of essential oil particles into the air along with negative ions, like the ocean. Diffusing essential oils increases the oxygen level in the air along with reducing bacteria, mold and fungus. The oils have antimicrobial and antiviral properties. (1)

Diffusing oils is a gentle way to incorporate them into your practice to improve air quality. I have found that people do not react negatively to the aromas of the diffused oils as they might to chemical fragrances that are cut with toxic chemicals and solvents. The essential oils that I use are pure plant oils recovered through seam distillation. The oils are retrieved through a “cool water extraction” process to preserve the therapeutic properties. Many of the oils are organic or kosher. Because they are pure they can be applied topically, and some can even be ingested.

Direct palm inhalation is another great method to benefit from essential oils. Place one or two drops of oils in the palm of your hand, rub in a circular motion. Cup your hands over your nose and inhale the aroma. I do not recommend health food store oils as they can be toxic due to the chemicals used to extract them. If I have patient that I anxious, I like to diffuse lavender, orange or oil called Peace & Calming.Peace & Calming contains tangerine, orange, ylang ylang, patchouli and blue tansy.

One experience that I can share is about a male patient, mid 50’s, with a past history of panic attacks. He could never sit through a prophylaxis appointment without getting out of the hair at five minute intervals. I asked him if I could try some Peace & Calming oil on his wrist. With his permission, I asked him to apply one drop to each wrist, rub them together and inhale the aroma. He was able to sit for the entire procedure without getting out of the chair. The next time that I saw him, he exposed his wrists and said, “Don’t forget the Peace & Calming oi,” Inhaling essential oils affects he limbic system of the brain and has been used to help cancer patients overcome anxiety from their treatments. (2) Be careful t not get oils in your eyes of(or) the eyes of your patients.

A study was done using orange and lavender oils at the University Clinic of neurology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria. (3) They tested the effects of inhaling essential oils while waiting for a dental procedure. The goal of the study was to examine the impact of the essential oils of orange and lavender on anxiety, mood, alertness and calmness in dental patients.

Two hundred patients between the ages of 18 and 77 years, with equal numbers of women and men, were assigned to one of four independent groups. While waiting for dental procedures patient were either stimulated with ambient odor of orange or ambient odor of lavender. These conditions were compared to a music condition and control condition (no odor, no music). Anxiety, mood, alertness and calmness we assessed while patients waited for dental treatment.

Statistical analyses revealed that compared to control condition both ambient odors of orange and lavender reduced anxiety and improved mood in patients waiting for dental treatment. These findings support the opinion that odors are capable of altering emotional states and many indicated that the use of odors is helpful in reducing anxiety in dental patients.

Another study showed that lavender aromatherapy has the potential to ease anxiety in patients undergoing minimally invasive facial cosmetic procedures. (4) In Japan in a 2007 study, researchers demonstrated that smelling lavender and rosemary oils for five minutes decreased cortisol levels. (5) Free radicals/reactive oxygen species are related to many biological phenomena such as inflammation, aging, and carcinogenesis. Free radical scavenging activity (FRSA)is a protective mechanism that can be measured in saliva. The results of his study shed light on the fact that lavender and rosemary enhance FRSA and decease the stress hormone, cortisol, which protects the body from oxidative stress. (5)

Another study had similar results, showing decreased cortisol levels after smelling lavender for ten minutes. (6) A Kings College, London, study involved a group of dental patients waiting for treatment (7) Part of the group inhaled lavender oil, the others oil with no odor. The lavender group reported feeling less anxious than the other group. The conclusion was, that although anxiety about future dental visits seems to be unaffected, lavender scent reduces state anxiety in dental patients, and that lavender was an effective “on the spot” treatment to reduce anxiety in dental patients.

The use of essential oils in the dental or dental hygiene office can be very helpful to your patients. Please be aware of the potential safety issues and the chemical properties of the oils you choose to use in the office. Aromatherapy is not the same as enhancing the atmosphere of a clinical setting with smells of commercial air fresheners, spices, potpourri, scented candles, or other nice-smelling items. Aromatherapy involves scientific use of pure essential oils to enhance psychological and physical well-being, such as calming effects to enhance the patient experience. Educate yourself and use essential oils safely and effectively.