Absorption of Carbohydrates


Absorption of glucose entails transport from the intestinal lumen, across the epithelium and into blood. The transporter that carries glucose and galactose into the enterocyte is the sodium-dependent hexose transporter. As the name indicates, this molecule transports both glucose and sodium ion into the cell and in fact, will not transport either alone.


グルコース(ブドウ糖)の吸収は消化管から、上皮を横切って血管への輸送が必要である。ブドウ糖とgalactose(乳糖)を腸細胞に輸送にはNa+(ナトリウムイオン)の 助けを必要とする。hexose transporter(五単糖運び屋)である。その名前が示すように、この分子はブドウ糖とナトリウムイオンを同時に運ぶ。そのどれも単独では移動できない。


Absorption of Proteins



The absorptive cells, or enterocytes, lining your small intestine create a barrier between your gut and your bloodstream. To reach the cells throughout your body, amino acids must travel from your gut, following digestion to your blood, and your enterocytes accomplish this with the help of transporter molecules. These transporters are specific for individual amino acids depending on the chemistry of their R-groups. With the help of sodium, the transporter reaches through the cell membrane on the side of the enterocyte adjacent to your gut and grabs a single amino acid. It pulls it inside the enterocyte and release it, where a different transporter – this one not dependent on sodium – picks it up and carries it to the side of the cell next to your bloodstream. Here it deposits the amino acid into capillaries that enter into your general circulation.


小腸の内膜Enterocyte (腸細胞又は吸収細胞とも言う)は腸と血管との間の防御壁となっている。体中の細胞に到達するには、アミノ酸は小腸から血管に移動しなければならない。 そして腸細胞は運び屋分子の助けを借りて実行する。これら運び屋はアミノ酸のR-グループによってその分子が異なる。運び屋は腸細胞の細胞膜を通過して一個のアミノ酸を捕まえ、腸細胞の中に引き入れてから離す。そこで別の運び屋、それはナトリウムイオンの助けを必要としない、がそれを拾い上げて、血管の隣の細胞に運ぶ。そこで、アミノ酸を毛細血管に投入する。アミノ酸は全身循環にはいる。




Absorption of Lipids




Dietary lipids pass from the stomach to the small intestine in a mud-like mixture of food particles and stomach acid known as chyme. The presence of chyme triggers the release of bile from the gallbladder into the small intestine. Bile reacts with fat globules in chyme, breaking them into tiny bile-containing fat droplets. This process, known emulsification, prepares the ingested lipids for the next step in the digestive and absorptive process.




Enzymatic Breakdown

The presence of chyme in the small intestine stimulates the release of pancreatic digestive fluids and enzymes, including the fat-digesting enzyme lipase. Lipase reacts with the emulsified fat droplets breaking down the complex dietary fats into smaller lipid particles known as fatty acids and mono-glycerides, notes biologist David Sadava、 Ph.D., coauthor of “Life: The Science of Biology.” Thus, lipase converts dietary lipids into smaller, absorbable fat particles.


小腸の乳糜は膵臓からの消化液と、脂肪消化酵素リパーゼを含む酵素の分泌を促す。 リパーゼは乳化した脂肪滴と反応して、複雑な構造の脂肪をより小さい脂肪酸とモノグ セライド(グリセロールと1分子の脂肪酸がエステル結合したもの)。に分解する。従って、リパーゼは食物に含まれたリピッドをより小粒で吸収可能な 脂肪粒子に変える。


Intestinal Absorption

Fatty acids and mono-glycerides pass through the outer membrane into the intestinal lining cells. The smallest fatty acids pass through the intestinal cells into the bloodstream and travel with a carrier protein to the liver for further processing. Mono-glycerides, large fatty acids and cholesterol undergo processing within the intestinal lining cells. The cells reconstruct the absorbed mono-glycerides and large fatty acids into lipid molecules called triglycerides, explains biochemist Stephen Chaney, Ph. D., of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. The cholesterol and triglycerides attach to protein carriers, forming chemicals known as chylomicrons. The protein carriers transform the water-insoluble lipids into a water-soluble form, enabling export from the intestinal cells.



モノグリセリッド、大粒の脂肪酸、それにコレステロールは小腸の管壁細胞で、処理される。 細胞は吸収したモノグリセリッド、大粒の脂肪酸をトリグリセリッド(1分子のグリセロールに3分子の脂肪酸がエステル結合したもの)に再構築する。


Lymphatic Absorption

The intestinal cells extrude the chylomicrons formed from absorbed dietary fat into a liquid transport network known as the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system transports the absorbed chylomicrons to the bloodstream. The liver and other body tissues process chylomicrons for storage or immediate utilization.

